{Photo of the Day} Pretty Pink Flower ~ Part 3

{I've started a, Photo of the Day, series here on my blog.  I'm doing this to keep my passion for photography alive, as well as keeping myself challenged (which can be hard with mommy duties constantly call my name) to continue learning my photography skills.  By doing this, I'll stay connected to the beauty of the world that surrounds me on a daily basis...the #1 reason why I love pursing my passion for photography.  Wanna join me?}

If you've been following me the past few days, you know that I've been showcasing these beautiful flowers I captured in my backyard.  The first one was perky and vibrant and the second was delicate and beautiful.

Well, today, I'm showcasing the same pink flower, but in black and white.  I had the most amazing time editing this flower.  But, what spoke to me the most when I saw this flower in black and white was how the lines in the petals stood out so well.

And then with the flower looking so still surrounded by all the blur, it made me realize that it looked kinda like life was passing the flower by.   Then with the lines on the petals, I realized that I didn't even see them in this way in color (until I looked back at them).

Life gets SO busy that little things like this can be missed.  So this was a great reminder for me to stop even more to really see the beauty that surrounds me so I don't miss it.

Now, I know if C was with me, and maybe a little bit older, I bet anything that she would have seen these lines (if you recall my post from the other day about her not missing the butterfly stamp on her hand).

So, yes, this was my BIG aha while taking these photos.  I'm SO very grateful that I have a passion for slowing down, but I'm also SO grateful for connecting with photography because it truly helps me to stop and view this beauty even more.

It's all about living in the moment...and there's SO many reminders that help us do just that...we just have to be more aware of them (at least I know I do!).

Stay tuned for tomorrow for my last little bit of the pretty pink flower series. :)

Until then...

{life is colorful...even in black and white}