Savoring | A Fall Morning Mountain Drive

I had wanted to get out to the mountains to take pics during the peak of the fall season (like, when, all the leaves on the trees were at their vibrant high) but, since the hubs and I live a VERY fast-paced-parenting-life, we were a little late getting out there. 

But, it was still beautiful.

I'm glad I was able to capture what I did.  It's a sight I always want to remember, because, we just never know where we'll be living this time next year, so yeah, we are SAVORING our views as much as we can. 

I mean, gosh, they look like a painting on a canvas.  SO beautiful!


We can around the bend and we saw two of these beauties.  One ran away, but this one stayed a bit and said hello to us.  I love it when that happens! :) 


I couldn't get enough of the view from inside the car.  It makes me smile SO much! 


And these fall, windy roads...stunning! 


And this one!! OH MY GOSH!! I thought it was SO beautiful!! 

Half fall...half winter. SO cool!! :):) 


And then we headed back home and I couldn't help snap what I saw.  :) 


Because I never, ever want to forget this drive we've had for a year.  


We are SO grateful this is where we live!!! 


It truly is the best!! 


Because, really....there's nothing better than driving around town and seeing fall's beauty.  


Thank you, Charlottesville for nourishing my soul!! 


And..thank you, camera, for pulling me out my busy mama head and into the present moment...moments that I truly never, ever want to miss!

Like I always say...nature, you are absolutely INCREDIBLE!! 

Until next time...

See something that makes you stop and smile.  Grab your camera!! It'll slow you down, pull you into the present moment even more and have you SAVORing your JOY feeling even more!!  And most of all, it will allow you to SEE things that you may have passed by (like the mushrooms I almost didn't see!). The's powerful...especially when it comes to JOY! :) 

That's WHY I take pictures!!  The camera is one of my favorite creative tools that easily pulls me out of my to-do list head and helps me  SAVOR (the feeling of) everything that makes me stop, smile and lights me UP with LOVE (something that's hard for me to do when my mind is running five miles ahead or behind the present moment)