Our 2nd Family Hike | Glass Hollow, VA

Continuing on with our hikes from this summer (two more to go after this one until I'm all caught up...Yay!), this was our second hike that we took in the Blue Ridge Mountains with the kiddos. 

We absolutely LOVED it. 

We were originally going to hike Humpback Rocks, but a man saw us and told us about another hiking trail right next to it that takes us to the Glass Hollow Overlook. He said it would be better for the kids. 

We decided to check it out and it was really peaceful. 

And, the heart rocks!! OH MY GOSH!! We found SO many!!

But, I have to tell ya. At the begging of the hike, we all kept saying, "Let's find a heart rock to add to our jar!"

For the first 20 minutes, I kept looking and looking. It's a battle every single time we begin a hike because my mind gets SO focused on looking for a heart rock.

I realized that because I'm SO focused and concerned, I never find anything. And because of that,  I'm constantly telling myself to STOP looking, because, like always, once I just set the intention of what I want (to find a heart rock!) and then let go of the trying to control finding it, and I just walk and stay in the present moment and observe and BE in my surroundings, heart rocks pop outta nowhere! 

Just wait till you see! Nature is SO freakin' amazing (once I get out of my head!! Ha!) 

Always reminding me to do the same with everything in life. Know what I want. Let go of control of how I'll find. Believe I'll have it. Stay in the present moment and it'll it show up at the most perfect time. 

Here we goooooo!!! 

A worm for the win!! We all had fun observing it for quite a bit of time. Especially Luca! :) 

And wouldn't ya know, once I let go of control of trying to "find" a heart rock, one appeared!! This one came home with us for our jar. :) 

A caterpillar for the win!! Luca was in heaven and didn't want to leave him. :) 

Luca was in heaven and didn't want to leave him.  He LOVES caterpillars and butterflies. :) 

Yep...still checking him out. Ha! :) 

Onward we go!! 

But, first, another heart rock!! Yaaaay!! 

And then, a snack break! 

Yep...making crazy faces is fun these days. Ha! :)

And, sweet sibling moments are too! :) 

That is, until other hikers are coming up and they needed to get through. :) 

They ended up being these elderly women.  We chatted with them for a bit and I was just in awe of them.  It seemed like they were hiking for quite some time.  I thought to myself, "I wanna BE like them when I'm their age." 

And, they loved Luca's shirt and told us they've hiked the Grand Canyon, too.  Very, very inspiring women for sure!! 

Onward we go! 

And wouldn't you know it...not a rock this time but a leaf. And, oh my goodness, the coolest leaf of all, especially surrounded by all that green.  

I was immediately drawn to it and I just loved capturing it and taking it its little, teeny tiny beauty. 

It was a GREAT reminder to me that, yes, LOVE is ALWAYS surrounded me (us!)...no matter how big and no matter how small. Ahhhh, nature, I LOVE you!! 

BIG rocks are the best!! 

And so are BIG HEART ROCKS!! OH MY GOSH!!! How cool is that!?

I jumped for JOY when I saw this! I couldn't believe it. I've never seen anything like it.  And, yep...nature sure is amazing at reminding me that LOVE surrounds us all, no matter how BIG or small. 

Snack break...round two! :) 

With a little bit of fall starting to bloom. :) 

"Take my picture, Mommy!" Any guesses on which kiddo said that to me? ;) 

C and I loved checking out the beauty on the trees.  

And more and more heart rocks AND heart leaves for the win!! Yaaaaay!! 

Absolutely amazing!! 

We're almost to the lookout point of the hike. Yaaay! 

We made it!! 

Aaaahhhhhhh! SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! 

Little guy got a boo-boo. Thank goodness for Ds healing touch and bandaids! 

While sister hung out with her stick. :) 

Time to venture out over to an even better lookout area.

LOVE your selfie!! 

Virginia...you are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!

Then it was time to check out all these amazing rocks! 

I thought this was cool that someone did this. :) 

Off they go!! 

My sillies! 

C loved finding fall colored leaves on our way back. :) 

This was the perfect place to rest, but trying to get them to smile at the same time...not easy! Oh, Luca...you crack me up! Ha! 

She LOVED finding all the rocks she left for us so we could find our way back. :) 

And then I turn around from snapping C up above and I see this!! OH MY GOSH! What a special, special moment! Love them! 

He wasn't ready for me to stop taking his picture. ;)

This hike was fabulous! Kids loved it, too! And, I'll never, ever forget this heart rock either.  Absolutely AMAZING! 

Just when I think all is lost in the world, nature ALWAYS reminds just the opposite. 

Now, I just have to remember that LOVE is ALWAYS there, no matter how busy my days may be. 


Until next time...

Why do I do take pictures? Because it's one of my favorite creative tools that easily pulls me out of my to-do list head and helps me to SAVOR (the feeling of) everything that makes me stop, smile and lights me UP with LOVE even more (something that's hard for me to do when my mind is running five miles ahead or behind the present moment)